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Hi I'm Miguel

UX Designer
and problem solver for business.

I'm passionate about creating solutions to address humanity's needs, helping us achieve peace, happiness, and pure joy.

UX Management

Design, development, and strategy.


Focused on both short-term and long-term goals to ensure that well-designed products align with the overall vision.

Workshop Facilitation

Conducting workshops tailored to various experiences and services when a Design Sprint isn't the best fit.

Design System

Creating efficient and effective design teams by implementing early-stage design systems at qiip.

Design Sprints

Co-creator of dedicated Design Sprints aimed at saving time, money, and reducing risks.

work cases

Management / Service / UX / UI Design

My agile team philosophy​

Understanding users as a team is vital for developing a product that satisfies their needs. By increasing your team's exposure to users, you can enhance user satisfaction.

Take the time to clearly understand and define user problems. Empower the team to be creative and let them stretch their skills, ensuring a solid grasp of the issue at hand.

Good ideas can come from anyone. Encourage the team to generate a wide range of ideas quickly, without biases.

Create realistic, low-fidelity prototypes to gather feedback on the concept. Test with real, representative users.

Iterate on your design process by learning from users and your team. As your process matures, you'll be able to execute it more efficiently and react to new information quickly.

Hi I'm Miguel

I'm a UX Designer with a strong interest in Data Analytics and App Development. I enjoy tackling challenges that result in positive user experiences and my professional growth.

My experience

2018 - Ux Manager in qiip

2018 - Ux Teacher in Mobile Studio

2016 - Ux Designer in Liverpool

2015 - Web designer in Creative Dreams

2014 - Digital Designer in Cameo

2013 - Graphic Design Bachelor



  • Design Thinking
  • Design System
  • UX strategy
  • MVP Canvas
  • Gamification
  • Experience mapping
  • Prototypes
  • Mockups



  • User interviews
  • Usability testings
  • Persona hypothesis
  • Benchmark
  • Card sorting
  • Experience mapping
  • Tree testing


  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • Sketch
  • Miro
  • Keynote
  • Adobe Suite
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