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Design Process

qiip qiip

Brand: qiip
Role: UX Manager
Typer of user: Designers

qiip it's growing and adding new experiences, new challenges, and new members, therefore, we need to work on the standardization of the design process, including all the members of the cell (PO, UX designer, Mobile Dev, Backend Dev, digital designers, UX Researcher and marketers).

The problem

qiip was growing and adding new experiences, new challenges, and new members, therefore, we need a standardization of the design process, including all the members of the cell (PO, UX designer, Mobile Dev, Backend Dev, digital designers, UX Researcher, and marketers).

To bring transparency to the stakeholders and bring comfort about the status of the multi designs we are working on.

The Challenge

We need to have a consolidated process that brings transparency tracking, and comfort to every member of the team during the design process.

Based in the design thinking methodology.

The Solution

Standardize the process, where we see every member of the team as a user, for that, we need to use the design thinking methodology and design the need process together.

The Team

The team that worked hard in this project and cannot be possible without their support are:

- Stake Holders
- PM
- PO
- UX Designers
- UX Researchers
- UX Writers
- iOS Developers
- Android Developers
- Back Developers
- QA Developers
- Marketing

The Design Process

1. Empathy

- Create a form where we can get data more efficiently and fast.

- Conducting user interviews with the ux designers

- Observing the cells behavior with the experiences, products or services they need to work

- Creating empathy maps and personas

2. Definition

- Analyzing my observations and synthesizing them to define the core problems I have identified.

- Creating a problem statement in a human-centered way:

"[Designers] needs a [Design process] that brings transparency, efficiency because [all the team] needs to have track multiple projects"

- The process needs to have: Kind of project, steps for every kind, design system, tools, and support new designers.

3. Ideation

- Brainstorming
- Journey Maps
- New Canvas
- Onboarding

4. Prototyping

At this point of the process i took one cell of qiip to have some prototypes about the new process and have they feedback to test with them in the near future.

5. Testing

To test these new tools and canvas we choose a new project so we can test it form the beginning. This allows us to understand where this first version of Design Ops works and where need to improve.

5. Release & Analysis

We have a very positive response from the cell so we started to use it with the other cells, having multiple feedbacks and cheers, this was only the first step of the process it already has new functions like "Behavioral process" and "Kpis for UX" this design process is alive and continue growth.

What i learn?

Standardizing the process allows us not only to have a better track of the project but to reduce uncertainty for the teams and focus on the important. The user.

What should I do differently?

I think the beauty of this project is, it would be different if we redesign it today, because the company needs are different and the projects evolve, and that's what we do every 3 months, analyze the process and add improvements

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